Legacy of Love

Just imagining to be with you

Is like a life that knows the serenity of those clear sky

Wanting to spend the entire life with you

Is like an ocean that knows the tranquility of those fast moving waves

The tides of waves will tests us

If you stand strong with me we can win any battles

Just want to love you like an ocean and go deep into your kingdom

And live like a bird and sing the melodies of hearts as a soulful anthem.

Your thoughts are compulsory like an air to me

Your imaginations are circulatory like a blood in my body

It's impossible to go out of your senses

To love you is like a river that needs continuous flowing to keep it fresh

How can the battles of hope remain evergreen

Assure me that you'll be with me when times gets mean

Your presence is mandatory my queen

To continue the legacy of love and to leave a message that once there was a girl named Queen who was loved by a boy named King.

By Moin Uddin

From: Nepal

Instagram: moin.writer

Twitter: rjmoin

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/moin.uddin.98