Join Humanity

We have an option to sit as prey, or dig in our heels, in a collective display!


Push has come to shove and some may not be aware, so I am suggesting that you perk up your ears, when you hear “We the People” and know it’s time for us to make a powerful stand!

One may choose to accept extinction, or join humanity when you hear the echoing message, coming through in broadband and push yourself forward, to grasp another’s depleted hand...

No more lies, presented in disguise, will fill our hearts with fears, our ears refuse to be pierced, with the shrill of the pain from our loved ones, suffering from the outcome of a deviant brand!!!

We are choosing to create “Heaven on Earth” and predators aren’t welcome to push their agendas, no matter how strategic they invert demand, or think they have command...

By Tracey Ross

From: Canada

Instagram: traceydoesrhymetime 

Parler/Gab/Fuzia/Soul Matrix: traceydoesrhymetime