Internet Long...

Internet Long-Distance Love

We met online and fall in love.

Days and nights we spent time

with electronic chats, misspelled words,

and emoji emotions, but it didn’t work.

We were part of an illusional world

to which we’ve got glued - sending selfies

with plastic smiles, 

promising love on Valentine’s,

touching the screen saying “good bye”.

And one day I realized, 

the out-of-Internet truth:

I’m Siber-Me, you are Siber-You.

We are just two distant faces,

from two distant places.

I am not willing to kill any more time

clicking the mouse; waiting for chat.

I need a real kiss, real hug, real love.

Practically, we are just two strangers.

The Internet cannot fill the gap.

By Petrouchka Alexieva

From: United States