Inka's Curse Part 14: Rachel

We inspect the bodies to see if anyone’s still breathing.

We slayed them but one. He instantly disappeared and I have no idea what his true form is. I don’t think I saw it. She didn’t see him either. I do know he was the one that bites the guard in the neck.

“Let me go with you. I can protect you.”


“I don't know why. I just know it’s urgent.”

“It’s about the enchanted sword. They saw it’s true form. I bet you do too.”

“I do but that’s not it. Believe me.”

“I don’t think I can do that. How do I know you're not one of them?”

“I saved you a few times, didn’t I? At least allow me to accompany you to your next destination.”

“To Freymoor. You know precisely you are wearing their armor and so are they.”

She looks down on herself then at the bodies. “I can’t remember how. I can’t remember. But I think you can assist me. I just don’t know how.”

I carefully watch her unsure what to do. Is she about to cry? Then I start feeling an overwhelming sense of sadness. 

“We need to bury them.”


We work diligently in silence. I’ve been so absorbed with my own life that I really haven’t been paying attention. These guards are dead. I knew of them, and knew of their families. So afraid of getting terribly hurt I let them die. 

This is my fault. I begin to cry. She completes the job on her own. I don’t just cry for these men but for the village of Oakheart. So many innocent people have died so rapidly. She presses gently on my shoulder after she manages to bury the centaurs’ and the fox’s bodies as well. After I clean off my face, we begin our walk.

The sky over the forest begins brightening up. I decided to complete the trip. She lets me know not all her kind is bad like not all my kind is good. 

“What are you?” I finally asked breaking the silence.

“Isn’t it apparent?” she asks back.

“No what are you really?” I ask, genuinely needing to know.

“I’m a werewolf or at least I was.” She’s terribly upset. “It’s like I’ve displaced a part of me. It’s even worse than just losing my memories.”

The hairs on my good arm rise up.

She’s expecting me to get rid of the curse. I inform her of my quest. For all one knows if she helps me the queen will undo the curse.

I have to examine her eyes. Ruth says eyes never lie. Her eyes are like vivid blue skies. Mines are like hazelnuts. I’m unsure what Ruth is talking about but I hope she’s right.

“I’m Rachel by the way.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Inka.”

“I feel as though there is much to tell you but I can’t manage the words out. I just know I need you to help me, and know that it sounds ridiculous. But your curse is more unpredictable, isn't it?”

By Cristina Collazo