Incumbent Narcissism

The desolating dysthymia that defuncts our esse,

Enervates our enthusiasm, entangles our eagerness,

Dampens every desire just to enliven pain,

Subtly subtends the swerve to severe disdain.

We commence the course by chastising our lacunae;

Surmising our maneuvers, rebuking our verdicts,

We loathe endearing our own persona,

Strangled in mist of juxtaposing addicts.

The narcotic of narcissism must culminate there,

Or the diaspora of dubiety wouldst trample our dare.

Hark that it neither decay into a dire delusion,

Nor the modus operandi of the day;

So, embrace this trait in a sporadic fashion,

Otherwise expunging of its treacherous sway.

By Aadityaamlan Panda

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