I Am Not…

I Am Not the Same Person Who Wrote This Poem

I am not the same person who wrote this poem

In the time since I wrote it

I have learned and experienced things

I did not know in the writing of it

Becoming richer, fuller, larger

Than the person who first laid down these words

Asking new questions

Seeking new Truths

I look upon these writings upon the page

And see a paler image of the person I now am

Beliefs and knowledge, hopes and dreams

Captured at an instant of time

A snapshot of what was the present

But which instantly became the past

Even the writing of it changing me as an individual

Much like the posit in science, that the mere observation of a phenomenon

Changes it 

It is good, though, to see where we were

If only to measure how far we have since come

And reckon how much further we may go

In again realizing our creative spark

And, too, for others to read and affirm

That they are not the only ones to see and feel and believe

The things I did at that moment

And aspire to feel what I felt

Dream what I dreamed

And perhaps reflect on the depth and breadth of their own journey

As they see it reflected in mine

While I, meanwhile, travel onward from this point

Finding inspiration anew

For I am not the same person who wrote this poem

By Mike Turner

From: United States

Website: http://www.MikeTurnerSongwriter.com

Instagram: MikeTurnerSongwriter

Twitter: SchooneSkipper

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/MikeTurnerSongwriter