How I Look in the Morning

Poem on self-introspection


How I Look in the Morning:

The face that sleeps on

a disheveled bed

is not my DP

Rather, it looks more like a

faded negative from an

old photo studio

Flared nostrils discarding

used breath in random

staccato bursts.

I sleep side on, arms flayed

one indisciplined leg always

dangling from the edge of

the bed, probing depths

Loose end of a disjointed

frame, giving the impression

of a half-opened book

page mark sticking out.

My bed sheet and quilt are

always at dagger-head and

my dog sleeps on my pillow.

But then, that’s how mornings

are- gifts without wrappers.

I mean there should be

some concession for a hard

earned sleep.

Horses are smart. They sleep

standing. And remain the same

horse through the night.

What if, I turn into a horse for

the night. Or a lamppost. And

keep my DP face, lopsided

smile dangling.

Just like the 9 'O' clock news-

reader, forever framed.

By Raja Chakraborty

From: India

Instagram: raja_chak.66