How Hard It Is...

How Hard It Is to Change My Mind


In sixty-seven years the opportunities 

to have changed my mind are countless.

The requisite open-mindedness 

I even held as a personal virtue.

Actually believing fully what I formerly thought, however, now seems grossly exaggerated

in the accounting of my knowledge 

(leaving wisdom out of this for now).

Secured by the pride of 

always having known such-and-such, 

I missed being surprised that such-and-such was not true, 

thereby failing to know thus-and-such, instead.

Assuming that doubts were a weakness

led to not doubting at key moments when certitude was a curse.

In my defense, I have learned much that I did not know before,

and may have even been wise for full moments at a time.

To my chagrin,

I nevertheless 

needed to change my mind 

far more often.

By Russell Willis

From: United States


Instagram: russell.willis.1217

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