
Satanic Ritual Abuse Calendar Events


The most important thing that we are taught growing up is “Don’t take candy from strangers,” so what fueled a worldwide night of disguise, while children’s running excitement screams can be confused with “Snatching” terror cries?

Demons and their minions start collection long before their favorite day, preparing for “October Feast,” from the 23rd to 30th, when the dead are conjured back to play, according to what the calendar created for SRA implies...

By “All Hallows,” from the 29th to 31st, it is time for blood rituals thirst and by November 1st, the sex rituals and child sacrifice will stretch out to the 4th, for the “Satanic Revels,” winding down by the 11th, when “The Ancient Date” does rise.

This calendar makes it beyond clear, that blood and sex rituals are dependent upon children all year and as teenagers vanish, far and wide, humanity remains blind to what they can’t conceive and the demons continue to capitalize...

By Tracey Ross

From: Canada

Instagram: traceydoesrhymetime 

Gab, Parler, Fuzia and The Soul Matrix: traceydoesrhymetime