Gifted Time

Lightworkers vs Demons


We are sovereign, infinite beings, gifted this time, for our place in history, to bring humanity from darkness to light, before the final slay...

Ruled by fear, manipulation and power plays, by a chain of demons, consuming our conscientiousness, every possible way.

Everything you see and what you’ve been told about our history, has been a master illusion, by the powers that be, to betray...

Open your eyes to see the perfect design, to push you, shove you and keep you blind and calling your “Truth Seekers,” conspiracy sway!

Why would you wear a mask, until you can be injected with the poisonous illness that you’re wearing it for, while you lose all you own and complied to a chip, or forced decay?

By Tracey Ross

From: Canada

Instagram: traceydoesrhymetime