Ghost Of My Reflection

One of many poems which reflect true life events that I have put into poetry form.


Ghost of my reflection

I see in your rejection

I can attest from year to year

This thing I can not uncover

Why should I thus suffer

Love I so long for

Be it now, or throughout my many years

Should you never see the stains

Far, nor near

I wept till I could not

Tears were unsought

And I found myself on a cliff, far away, from here

Alone in my reflection

Yet denied affection

Age has worn me, in the mere

Does one not matter

Whose life holds no answer

I ask these words?..

I hold dear.

Dare me alone

When my eyes take me to a place, so near

A place where my reflection

Is all but a rejection

And all my flowing tears

Will suddenly abate

Slowly shall they fade

And you will stand next to me here

Years of rejection

Knowing of not reason nor confession

Should the nightingale know words so clearly?

I go as I come

Into the world unfit, as undone

An anguish relinquished

A fine colored tear flows gently..

It too also fears.

As the nightingale's songs grow further

From my ears..

I weep if they too suffer

Ghost of my reflection

What cost must I pay

To be cast so quickly away?

I can only listen

As the nightingale calls

Shall I still hear?

Alone on the cliff

I stand near

Awaiting the wind

To blow me in another direction

Taking me away from here.

I give to the gods

My unforgiving pause

Damned such a place, be so unmistakingly clear

Then I pause for an instant

Hesitant is my moment

I will not go alone

Not without answers

For naught, all these wearisome years

Of the tears

Which no longer come

Onto the cliff, I have clung

I see a nightingale fly

I wonder, If it also no longer cries.

By Andrea W R Jones

From: United States


Twitter: andreajonestor1