Fractal Love

Revealing, deceiving, morphing

realities of time and place

What was once, is now, yet to be

for you and me

Looking back to the future

and forward to the past

What will be, was once, reinvented

Anticipated but not seen

Was it missed...ever there...soon to be?

Entangled fates slave to uncaring destiny

Is that really you and me?

What cost to bear for the journey...

A lifetime? cross?

Ah, but the harvest bountiful beckons

Reaped in the past and sown in the future

Trampled and mended,

Neglected and tended

Dyslexic gardeners of chaos

Cycling through the now, then, next

Lusting the elusive nexus of recognition

Forever lost to the maelstrom of chance

By Marc Charette

From: Canada

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