Field Of Green

Modern artificial surfaces create a lively green discussion


Besides jealousy and resentment, competition brought tension to Poppa’s agenda issues. Relaxing on the porch watching the zebra grazing, the perfectly manicured field seemed to be an unbelievable buffet entrée for the four-legged mediator.

“That zebra loves the green grass,” Poppa thought seeing brown patches across the border, displaying a mound and bases, waiting to lure a naïve eye into believing, 'if you built it, they will come’, "he just stands there and gobbles it up but never ventures across the border.”

“Too much artificial fantasies,” Momma replied coming out the screen door to sit down, “he likes reality, not fake.”

“But they say the modern surface is easy to tend to,”

“Artificial is fake, just like the other side’s intelligence,”

Later in the afternoon, Paulie sat in the spectator bleachers watching Jamie Munroe go into her wind up on the visitors’ recreational complex softball diamond, “that is not grass like our school,” Becky Sue inquired.

“No, it's the Verde carpet,” Paulie answered staring at the motion, “Poppa approved them having the style, says its less work to maintain.”

“I guess if it’s carpet then it only needs to be vacuum occasionally,”

With the game ready to be settled, the winning run-on base the batter hit the ball and Jamie tried to play the offensive retaliation gesture, but it took a crazy high bounce catching the pitcher by surprise. Due to the mistake two runs crossed the plate allowing the home team bragging rights.

After returning to being a student Jamie interacted with both Paulie and Becky Sue, “well that was such a tough loss.”

“The other side is jealous and resentful, they will do anything to win,”

Staying very quiet Paulie listened not wanting to breathe a word of what he told Becky Sue during the game.”

“I mean the ball acts weird on this thing,”

“Well, next time you just have to be prepared,” Becky Sue honestly snared.

Arriving home Paulie saw Momma handling the zebra, “so, how did you team do on that new surface we bought?” Poppa shouted from the barn.

“We lost; Jamie misplayed a ball when it decided to be weird on the carpet.”

“Oh, that is a shame,”

“Goes to show you,” Momma exclaimed overhearing the conversation while petting the zebra, “the grass is greener here, and we have the lawn mower to prove it.”

“Isn’t that the truth,” Poppa admitted as the zebra burped knowing writing checks can produce interesting results.

By Marc OBrien

From: United States


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