Faith and Desires

No one will listen to you until and unless you're strong

No one will respect you until and unless you do something great

Life is all about being strong if you want things to happen

Life is all about give and take if you want to remain afloat

Learnt the hard way to survive in the world filled with competition

You have to keep moving no-matter how tired you get in the process of transition

You have to struggle in every seconds to push yourself in the times of escalation

As if you stop in the process to rest then remember there are people in the race who are vying for the same dreams with much anticipation.

Learn to live simple with mind full of dreams and ideas

Your imaginations and creations with devotion will shine your rays even in the times when world gets entangled in dramas.

Learn to mind your own business but keep track of your inspiration and competition

Be devoted to your dreams and love and work even if they don't see you worth but believe me they will eventually sing your glory in rhythm.

Life is all about faith and desires

The stronger your faith the higher the opportunities

Work day and night until and unless you don't achieve your fantasies

Be impatient and patient as per the need in the times to get your dearie

By Moin Uddin

From: Nepal

Instagram: moin.writer

Twitter: rjmoin

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