Eugenic Dissembling

The masses foolishly imagine they know better what's best for them than properly credentialed expert managers.


Darwin didn't come-up with the idea. He did provide a quasi-scientific excuse for it with his theory of evolution. His half-cousin, Francis Galton, turned Cousin Darwin's theory into practical application. Galton was the first to promote human-culling as the pragmatic solution to long-term improvement of the species. Galton called his plan - Eugenics.

The term Eugenics is based on the Greek word, Eugenes, which translates to something like, Well-Born. Who could object to increasing the number of Well-Born citizens?

Many Brits thought it a capital idea. The idea spread to Europe and America.

Despite defensive quibbling's, Eugenics is brutally simple: kill all the ugly ducklings to allow the handsome ducklings to breed themselves into a more perfect flock.

The principal holds whether with ducks, or people.

Why let evolution run wild when social engineering can fine-tune the process?

Margaret Sanger used Eugenics as theoretic underpinning when she founded Planned Parenthood. Todays Planned Parenthood plays-down that part of their history.

Curiously the largest number of current Planned Parenthood clinics are located in poor, black, intercity neighborhoods. Apparently poor, black, intercity Negros are in greater need of abortion than other Americans.

Social-science theorists planned all sorts of Eugenics-based solutions right up to the end of WWII. The academic theorizers were reinforced with legal opinion when Oliver Wendell Holmes, in the case of Buck v. Bell stated, "Three generations of imbeciles are enough".

The imbecile Holmes referenced was Carrie Buck, the third-born generation of her family found to be "feeble-minded". Moreover: "It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes".

There was a lot of compulsory culling going on after that.

Nazi Germany brought Eugenics to a crescendo with the extermination of six million Jews. The Holocaust of the Jews made the term Eugenics unspeakable for Western theorists.

New theories of social control avoid any mention of Eugenics.

After the 1950's more compassionate heads prevailed. Compulsory sterilization was out - although compulsory vaccination is more popular than ever. Contemporary tools for social engineering are now quietly embedded in innocuous regulations.

Of course the irresponsible masses still need to be restrained, only now, the compulsory mechanisms must remain behind the curtain because the masses are suspicious of compulsion.

They foolishly imagine they know better what's best for them than properly credentialed expert managers. The new guiding hand must be invisible, as well as unavoidable.

Modern plans for Health, Social, Educational, and Financial systems are strictly controlled by the elite - for the betterment of the masses - but not obviously.

Modern social-organizers avoid public attention. New theories of social organizers are occasionally published in professional journals, but with nothing explained in plain English.

Clear statements of public policy risk misinterpretation by the unwashed.

Novus Ordo Seclorum should seem benign inevitability.

The problem with old style Eugenics was that it was much too easy to understand. That's not a problem with Modern Eugenics where dissembling is foundational to purpose.

Naked extermination of undesirable entities scares the flock. Scared sheep are difficult to manage. The new Eugenics creates volunteers. The brutality of old-style Eugenics has been replaced with benevolent indirect guidance known only to the managers.

Those who wonder who's doing the managing can be assured that credentialed experts in every field ensure objectivity. Suspicion is unnecessary - and suspicious.

Settled-Science will guide both compass and prod.

If it's true that humans are destroying the Earth with their reckless addiction to fossil fuels, then draconian regulation is the only solution. Family-run farms and businesses, who think only of their own interests, will be replaced with responsible corporate management.

Vast areas of rural land will be opened-up to become Wildlife Sanctuaries, National Parks, and World Heritage Sites. Cities will fill the empty spaces of former family shops with spacious open plazas that will replace urban blight with beauty. Everyone will live in Cities. Mass transit will make autos obsolete. Comprehensive Social Planning & Expanded Social Services will fulfill all needs. The chaos and pollution of unregulated life will be replaced by reliably productive environmentally-friendly oversight.

Of course, undesirables will have to be rendered inoperative for the well-being of all. That shouldn't be confused with Eugenics. Eugenics is a barbaric way to cull undesirables from the population. Careful management of opportunity and funding can get the job done without recourse to sterilization or genocide. It's unfortunate that certain people and certain industries will have to be destroyed, but you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

Individual sacrifice is necessary for the good of all.

I wonder if the individual imbeciles who were sterilized for the good of all agreed that individual sacrifice is necessary for the good of all.

I'm suspicious of any plan that makes anything - better-for-everyone - by destroying whole groups of the everyone's.

Maybe I'm just sentimental.

By K. L. Shipley
