Don't Stay In Bed

Quiet days are full of mindless numbering to keep sane, to occupy the mind and soul as news of sickness and death waft through the rooms with little emotion except a building somberness that weighs on the soul. An occasional scream at a cat as a reminder of the here and now. Be strong in the dark and invisible in light. But then when the night comes, a quiet and the dark world appears a little brighter. Nocturnal animals know the score, there is no profit in the blazing sun when stealth and sin are on the surface. Only night brings out the joy that stems from the hiding or moving quietly in the brush. Prey hide their eyes to keep the secret that preserves life as noses sniff them out. A flushing and sudden flight give rise to the race for life, or death. Everyone wins sometimes and eventually everyone loses. And I watch seventies sit-coms. I eventually will lose but never once win. The jokes are old. The weekends are long especially when I stay in bed. Making a mental list of my own weaknesses and downright wickedness tracing backwards in time I discover a profound and dismal possibility that I have always been frail, a failure in every regard. I have always been a worm in the dirt. A disappointment to others and to myself and most surely to God almighty. What purpose do my lungs serve to keep my wretched soul alive and my dark heart beating? Why does this world keep turning for me? If indeed the day becomes night as I approach like an eclipse from the superstitious past, why does gravity respect my mass? Even as wind blown ash I must be despicable and a waste on the wind that burdens it. The pressure of the bottom of deepest sea is not enough to keep my restless mind still nor is the vacuum of space vast enough to contain my sins. The heart of the sun cannot cook away my contaminated being and purity remains a forgotten dream left in the darkest corner of all the universe so remote that its existence will never be known. I am less than nothing. Best get out of bed quick. Mowing the grass is at hand.

By Buckspinster

From: United States
