Don't Let Yourself Fall Victim

Most people will try to suppress you

They will try to use power on you

But you be strong and raise your voices

As if you shut your voice now then they will get many choices.

Don't let yourself fall victim of anyone

If there's anything going wrong then stand against any storm

Most people will suffer rather than to defend

So, I request you to be the voice of those oppressed

No one should face the harshest of human made suffering

If this keep working then life will be daunting

You are not meant to suffer those bullshit

So please stand up and fight for the justice

Life is to be lived with love and peace

But the world now has turned into pulling legs in piece

Don't be the one and don't let others to be the one

Question yourself and question others to stop falling victim of anyone.

By Moin Uddin

From: Nepal

Instagram: moin.writer

Twitter: rjmoin

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