Diana's Bridal and Pie Shop

I sat there in my desk, just starring into my paperwork until everything started to disappear. I told my manager I had to leave and was on my way to be with my love.


"Let's get out of here." "Right now?" Adrenaline was pulsing through my body, I left work early to see her. She worked at a diner, back of the house, all the kitchen guys were dying to have her. "Yes, let's go." "Go where?" "Anywhere." "You're not thinking straight," she said. "Diana, we need this, we've been fighting for so long and things have been tense, we deserve a break, we deserve a trip." She hesitated, her shift wouldn't be over for another two hours, money was tight and she did not want to risk her job.

But never mind that, she was in the passenger side of my car pretending to be semi-crossed with me. "This better be worth it," she said. We headed back to our apartment to pack some clothes and other essentials. I had no idea where we were going, this morning I had woken up disgruntled towards my life, I have a 9 to 5 office job where I process loans. I denied more than approve loan applications. They'd get upset or angry with me, at first it would hurt but now I can't feel anything when an angry lady yells at me and tries to pull my computer mouse away from me. Our security guard would always be checking up on other stores when incidents like these would happen. Funny.

"So where are we headed?" she asked. I took several seconds to think of something. "Let's go to Fort Bragg." She did not expect that but was content. Perhaps it was my job that started to pollute our relationship. I'd come home quietly and she'd ask how my day went. I'd tell her it was fine but she knew it wasn't as I looked doleful.

The hilltops filled with cattle stood by us as we drove to Fort Bragg. The road was desolate, just for us. We took turns picking out songs to listen to and we talked in between. We turned our favorite song louder as we drove downhill through seas of redwood trees until we reached the beautiful coastal shore.

We passed several mom and pop eateries and thrift stores. We made a stop to a bridal shop, the pink retro building intrigued me. We entered the black and white tiled shop that changed time as you stepped in. I felt seven again, a hazy atmosphere with vintage wedding gowns hanging in every wall, some were strapless, some short sleeved with lace beaded sequins, Diana looked through them all. As we entered more of the store, to our surprise, there was a desert diner in the center of this shop. Pies of every flavor, large pink jukebox and the sounds of a cash register. I was happy to be here with her.

We left to see the sunset on the shore.

We sat down on a small grassy hill above the sea. We sat there in silence, hands held, happy. The love I have for her is more than anything I would be ever able to afford, and I had forgotten that. But today, I got it back, only this time I'll make sure I'll never forget to cherish her, to love her. "I love you," she said. 

"I love you more."

By Victoria Blanco

From: United States

Website: https://pantyjunkyard.wordpress.com/

Instagram: thepantyjunkyard