Deflecting Truth

Hiding in plain sight...

“CANADA INC.” (registered in DC), currently has paid advertisement programming advice echoing out through the elderly and teens, warning that low sodium and non-processed food cooked from home and exercising through their lifetime can be shown to help keep them 40-60 percent protected from harm, when it comes to Dementia seeping in to cause a memory despair...

I do agree with what they say, but have a broader view to present today, like curb side lobotomy's done by the untrained, synthetic masks polluting lungs and brains, pricks of poison for a circulating array, assortment of metals dressed up many ways, Fluoride in water to stop tooth decay and let’s not forget the Aspartame in all gum, diet soda and food marked with a “Light” flair...

It is so “Maddening” when you can see the illusion, with a spin-off of gas-lighting, so many just fall into complete confusion, the flu goes missing and we have a new name, a direct energy frequency is launched, but everything remains the same (?), if one accepted the “Bio-prick” offered, they were not even acknowledged as having received, until two weeks after the one or two prick ensnare...

By Tracey Ross

From: Canada

Instagram: traceydoesrhymetime - also on Gab and Fuzia