Dangerous Love

Being lost in the mind is as dangerous as losing your way in a desert without boundaries. Rich with possibilities only found at great risk, the desert of love is treacherous with far flung sources of nourishing waters.The oasis is all that matters. What drives the heart but a profound thirst caused from an empty life? Why risk the desert not knowing how big it is or what lies on the far side? We head out on the sea of loneliness because there is no other choice. Like Columbus we seek guidance and support in preparation for a journey surely wrought with hazard and despair to maximize our ability to succeed. What a crazy thing it is to follow the stars in darkness to avoid being burned by the blazing sun toward an unknown destiny not likely to be reached. The odds are against us from the onset from hostile elements of the turmoil within, all doubt and despair yet we go, for not going would be worse. To take a chance by risking it all for the unknown. That is the choice made from a few options, one being comfort and the other a certain suffering of mind, body and heart. Seeking love is innate and the central purpose of our creation without which leaves us no different than wind blown sand forming waves over time that shift at nature's will. Having no control is worse than out of control, we must risk it all, though becoming far flung grains of formless particles are likely to be our fate. The wind pushes at our backs into the darkness one step at a time with a hope of something unknown. We dare not tarry as the sand will bury us alive, or we drown in love. Or, is it all just chemistry? How is it couples can remain together for decades and suddenly part ways? Is it menopause, boredom, yawning mortality, or finding another partner? Perhaps it is because nature has run its course and the chemical change was inevitable. There are many reasons and combinations of some not covered here. In my younger days a long time girlfriend broke up with me. I told her that I missed her after not seeing her for many months. She told me that I didn't miss her but rather it was the relationship that I missed, just being in love. She was right. One of us had changed which, changed the relationship. When the only thing you share is space the relationship has ended. My thirst had been quenched on my trek across the lonely desert and it was time to move on in the spirit of adventure toward the next unknown oasis. So when the rains stop and the oasis runs dry, it is time to move on or die.

By Buckspinster

From: United States

Website: https://buckspinster.wordpress.com/