Cosmic Roll...
Cosmic Roll of the Dice
There is nothing like the euphoria of new love; unless it's the fear of new love.
What does it mean that I’ve found someone
Who I want to trust with my heart?
Is it a gift that I’ve earned,
a stroke of good luck?
Or is it devastation just waiting to start?
Can I believe that love’s come alive
After years of being inert?
Because flowers bloom brightly, birds sing more gaily
Because my every sense is alert?
How can I know this feeling is real
And not just an illusion we share?
Is there an expert to ask, a book to consult?
Or is there even reason to care?
How will I know when to relax,
To let down, let my feelings go?
Is there a star in the sky, a vision I’ll see?
Will the voice of God let me know?
Is this how it feels when two souls reconnect
After lifetimes of being apart?
Are the heavens rejoicing, are angles singing
Has joy quickened God’s heart?
How can I choose to risk my whole life
On this cosmic roll of the dice?
And how will I ever live with myself
If I choose to do otherwise?
By Linda Troxell
From: United States
Instagram: humblyseekingthelord