Coronation In The...

Coronation In The Infobahn Clan

I feel the best time to recite is the midnight on December 31st.


The eaves of thine palace stayed embraced with adjourned snow,

Daintily surveyed by the peaceful dove,

Eros and Helios farewelled Selene’s shadow,

As thou glanced through the glass gathered on the trough,

And found thyself overcome by grey.

Thy reign has not been white enough;

The hound of pestilence shattered the silence above,

When its fang tore the timid dove.

Science’s cursed vision turned humanity to stone,

Its temple budded bullets and guns,

Forcing humanity to burn their brethren born.

Thine prowess has never let it turn black enough;

With chains of time, thou tamed the canine,

And made it a passive pet of thine.

Asphyxiated the medusa with her own hair,

And beheaded her with her Sabre’s flair,

Grey is the hue, most suited to you,

O mighty wizard, O light of wisdom.

Though man continues to consume its mother,

And resist the solemn sanctity of a staid father;

They wouldst empower medusa, to break free thine rope,

And unchain the canine with their flawed wit,

But thou hast faithfully fired the candle of hope,

Which thine potent predecessors failed to light.

O hefty heir of the Infobahn dynasty,

Thine ancestors have hegemonized the Holocene late.

The next morn when Janus wouldst heave his head high,

Thou must perform the ritual with a heavy sigh,

And crown the succeeding annum on the Cenozoic throne,

With enthusiasm and embrace, the earth has never known.

By Aadityaamlan Panda

From: India

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