Confronting A...

Confronting A Fuming Issue

A plague attacks Princess Lida's castle while she is attending school and a friendly gesture keeps her safe.


While Princess Lida commuted to school inside the village where Paulie’s family had a moral protection obligation commitment, an invisible powerful predicament blew up.

“My whole staff is deathly ill,” Princess Lida frightfully explained, leaving the guidance office and Paulie heard every word preparing for next class.

“When tragedy strikes, Princess Lida, we are all family,”

“I do not know what to do, “

“Stay at our cottage,” Paulie offered closing his locker door.

Using knowledgeable academic texts as protective references Becky Sue emerged, “I need to remain here and study, it's safer,” Princess Lida mentioned before returning to her routine daily commitments.

“What happened?” Becky Sue inquired.

“A plague broke out at Princess Lida’s castle,”

“Be careful, Paulie, she could be diseased,” the villager honestly warned, “she is from the other side.”

Having gentlemen qualities, Paulie escorted Princess Lida back to Borderline Farm, only a couple of miles away from the tension filled event.

Earlier in the day Poppa calmly invited a doctor for a luncheon date and the medical professional kindly stayed, happily giving the children checkups.

Shaken and a little stirred Princess Lida spent the next few hours doing homework and Poppa suddenly appeared in the kitchen, “Paulie, can I talk to you?”

“Yeah, sure Poppa,” Paulie said leaving his assignment, noticing Princess Lida did not flinch.

Proceeding inside Poppa’s office his son sat down in the visitor's chair, “what is going on?”

“Well, son, we really dodged a bullet this time,” Poppa honestly opened the dialogue, “Momma’s dark side.”

“Those who own the other barn half?”

“They exploded gas tanks and the smell made everyone ill,” Poppa reported, “Princess Lida’s father will just experience nightmares tonight, probably about his family’s past, Momma told me,”

“What about Princess Lida?”

“She is fine, you all were found healthy, it was lucky, you all were being educated together,”

“That is correct Poppa,” Paulie agreed.

Weeks past and the King picked up his throne’s heir, “Poppa I wanted to thank you for tending to my daughter’s needs all this time,”

“When tragedy strikes,” Poppa paused, “we are all family.”

“That is true,” the King replied, hugging Princess Lida, “you are a good man.”

“We are aristocrats, your royal highness,” Poppa reminded, “we do not have that challenging blood type where,”

“We must go,” the King quickly told Princess Lida and she turned around.

“Goodbye Prince Paulie,” she screamed towards the barn, allowing for an invisible response, “have a good one.”

Hearing the entourage depart Becky Sue petted the zebra’s nose, “oh Prince Paulie can you bring the spa treatment equipment over, we need to make the four-legged referee look presentable.”

Carrying the cleaning plastic toolbox Paulie sarcastically smiled, “Becky Sue, you know, I do not have that challenging blood type.”

“That is right, you have our blood type,” the commoner stated keeping the whole thing in perspective.

By Marc OBrien

From: United States


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