Circle Of Life

A view of life from beginning to end


At birth I was a little pig

With kidneys small and colon big

I peed a bit and pooped a lot

Like every other little tot

Adolescence - lots of playin’

Mostly muscle, not much brain

The brain, thank goodness, caught up quick

But then one day - “Hey - I’ve got a dick!”

The dick with feelings that it brought

Clouded what the brain had thought

(In fact, the two of them often fought)

Student years - sometimes ecstatic

Exercising my hepatic

The brain won out and that was smart

And I began to follow my heart

So head and heart now guide my ways

I hope they stay around always

But I worry 'bout the future when

Kidneys and colon rule my life again

By Kevin Ahern

From: United States


Instagram: kgahern

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