Careless Whisperers

“Careless Whisperers” emerged from reflections the transformation of tranquil thoughts and creative inspiration to enduring tales of the human experience through poetry, fiction, and dreams.


A steam trunk full of empty promises

and a lifetime of social disengagement

fuel fantastic stories, spark imaginations,

chronicle yarns lasting days, weeks, years

on threads of plot that rivet themselves

to the countless minds and hearts once

exclusively inspired by careless whisperers;

mere taffeta rustles, these soft murmurs rise

towards chaotic heavens like ice fog sucked

into the eye of a tornado. Authors and bards

place reality T.V. show addicts into worlds

without Kardashians, Osbournes, or Bachelorettes,

expand horizons, embark on 21st century Odysseys

through timeless novels, poems, and dreams.

By Sterling Warner

From: United States
