Cantua Creek

Was first explored by Spanish Army troops

From the mission at San Juan Baptista,

Led by Jose de Guadalupe Cantua,

Son of a prominent Californio Ranchero

In the 19th-century Mexican era

Of early California history,

Who first explored Arroyo Cantua

While searching for runaway Natives

From servitude at the San Juan Mission.

His sons, Lupe and Domingo Cantúa had a ranch

On the arroyo. They were ex-officio members 

of bandit Joaquin's gang and their ranch

In the mountains was the gathering place

For the herds of stolen horses and mustangs 

Driven south to Sonora, Mexico for sale.

With water eight months of the year,

100 yards above El Camino Viejo,

Where the old oxen-cart road north crossed,

Murrieta Springs flows from the south bank

Of the Arroyo de Cantúa, forming a pool (aguaje)

Where it rises from the foot of the mountain.

The source of the Cantúa Creek begins

On the eastern slope of Santa Rita Peak

(elevation 5,164 feet), the highest point

In all of San Benito County.

Lower Arroyo Leona, a tributary,

Passes through a very narrow canyon,

Obstructed by large rocks and waterfalls,

Called the “Horrors of Cantúa.” easily

Emerging from the Diablo range,

Thirty miles into the San Joaquin Valley,

From barren loma muertas at the head-end

To an oak woodland, and salt brush.

Once or twice a decade, there is a deep

And lasting snowfall on the former tributary

Of the Fresno Slough, that divides

The Big Blue Hills from the Ciervo Hills. 

Cantúa Creek ends, passing under US Interstate 5, 

Four miles south of the town of Cantúa Creek.

Where Harry Love and his detachment of Rangers

Rode down into the valley of the Cantúa arroyo,

Found members of Joaquin’s gang, killing three.

By Stephen Barile

From: United States