Better Than I Know

I don't want to be sad anymore

I wish I could let the anger fade

but my soul is fighting me

each step of the way

on the other side

the grass is greener

and the past is dead

so why can't I go forward?

people keep telling me:

it's better than I know

the heart heals at a slow rate

and mine's still on the mend

I can't let go of the chapter

that saw to my bitter end

what is it that haunts the inside of me?

Is it better left unknown?

Or will the ghosts of me be released nonetheless?

on the other side

grief no longer exists

and love is alive and well

I can hear the whispers

of what life can give:

it's better than I know

deep in the trenches of this warfare

I feel the good side winning over me

it's time to give up this crusade

and come back to my home...

however, unspoken secrets lurk

and those soldiers know me

better than I know myself

so I guess it's time to surrender

the cross's remnants I have left

on the other side

I relinquished the pain

by taking it into myself

and this new life will become:

better than I know

By DL Mullan

From: United States


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