
I see the wrinkles creeping into my friends’ faces

Their cheek muscles have started to droop

The red pulps have darkened on the sides.

Their smiles bear the signs of loss of an age

Their kids swarm their personal Facebook pages

Photos emerge of my pals at their children’s graduate ceremonies

With their identity now tied to a family

These all make me feel- I am no longer young.

Aging has been valued as maturity and perfection

Children are asked to look up to their elders

Now, I see it in reverse- aging takes away the best of you

I mourn the agility and vigor of my youth

Human life does not revolve like seasons

It moves in a straight line of nostalgia and despair

From the warmth of summer to the freezing cold of death

Dumping the vibrancy and the potency of youth

By Yogen Guragain

From: United States

Twitter: yoge_guragain

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