Miserable Cup of Tea

A cup of tea, I see, I see, a lemony color, it tastes like pee.
Regrets, intents and dismay I display for this day which’ll stay away in the fray of this, Okay

Awesome ideas to think and progress, to digress and invest in the best test I can take.
Fake idealism, like the mistake of solipsism which shook me into antisocialism while I processed this impression. My intension was never to have, to understand it, to be lead into such a misery that wasn’t me, but I couldn’t be left in honesty’s sake.

Sadness and madness tell of the plan-less states of this world. That errors will occur and occur they will.

They will, they will.

The blue pill or the red pill? One’ll leave you in your blissful state of ignorance and you’ll not be able to come back. You’ll never know the truth of this universe.

The other, well, the other will show you how far the rabbit hole goes. It’ll show you the truth.

You’ll learn where it all came from, how it got here, and what needs to be done in order to solve the problem of your reality. The reality of a calamity, and dishonesty, and the distrust that’ll always be difficult to see, but can always veer us to instantly repair what should have never been there in the first place… In the tea cup.

The sour, bitter, sterile taste of pee cup, you see, but, it’s me.

What luck that when I least give a fuck, I find I’m stuck with something I couldn’t duck. This pee cup haunts me.

Never again will I drink toilet tea. You see, DO YOU SEE?


By Seth McAllister