Grey Thoughts

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We Know Nothing


We lie to ourselves because we’re afraid to claim the fact that we know nothing. We draw these imaginary lines between any two things and say “this is this and that is that” and we kind of sort of agree, but not entirely. Because all is subjectively processed, ultimately every conceivable idea is dependent of the person thinking it. Morality rests on the individual’s understanding of right and wrong. And the definition of morality first has to be agreed on itself to proceed to different ranges of that same one morality, otherwise the context itself is different, meaning any two moral arguments are incompatible regardless how similar, because something is always off.

We have to first understand how we know nothing and how there is no way to know anything, there will never be. The only thing for certain is that we are having some type of perceptual experience, whether illusion or not. We still manage to perceive for whatever reason and we must build off of this fact and question the entire constructive process. We must question “is this perception real?” and move forward. And even if the answer comes back as being an illusion we proceed, now to understand the difference between illusion and not.

For some reason we’re starting on the wrong end, instead of understanding the basic components of our minds and our capacity to learn, we attempt to sift through the most complex version of the information surrounding us which we can imagine and find ourselves dealing with information overload. Stuck lagging and loading, the infinite buffer of a system trying to process itself in its entirely instead of working on its individual programs one at a time. This is a system in dire need of a reboot. To clean the informational slate and allow the pure, indistinguishable energy we call existence to begin processes from square one. A total and complete cleanse of what we think we know needs to occur.

And a new start shall emerge and it’ll begin with the singular idea that we know nothing.