Payola And Its Effect On The Music Industry

…we understand by "Payola"?

Payola is the practice of bribing someone {Media Stations} in return for the unofficial promotion of a product in the media.

"if a record company spends enough money on payola, it can make any record a hit"

Radio stations now air play songs they are paid for not the ones you want to listen to.

You try to listen to some programs on the radio and each station plays the same songs across all frequency.

We are aware of labels paying radio stations to play their songs, but can we say the majority of those songs…

By HighMarcus

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The Reality Behind Being A Side Chick

Unless you’re a time traveler from the nineteenth century you probably know what a side chick is. According to the ever so (NOT!) reliable urban dictionary a side chick is the millennial word for the ‘other woman’ or ‘mistress’: a female that is neither a male’s wife nor girlfriend who has relations with the male while he is in another relationship. Or like my gossipy neighbour would call it ‘son galan’. Let’s be real here: this side chick phenomenon is prevalent in our society…so much so that there is a desperate need for this small article. So sit down, grab a cuppa and let me tell you about all the nasty realities behind...


By Deluxe Culture



Twitter: LcPointe


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