We Give for Our Greed

Gift giving is the greediest thing we do. We give for only what we get in return. Many times the greed is successfully hidden beneath sheets of conveniently located generosity illusions. Gift giving for Christmas is an example of this. It’s for others, but it’s not. We give gifts on Christmas day because it makes us feel good, not because we care and want to give our loved ones what they need. No, we don’t even know what to give them. We’ll buy what we’re not even sure they’ll like, let alone need. Just for the sake of getting them a thing, because we know what the return is even if we don’t know what the initial reception will look like...

By Anthony B. Clover

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Female Freedom

Frequently I’m asked why I refuse to commit to relationships? Why I rather live alone and focus on my work? The reasoning is that there is no need for a partner. Guy or girl. (And yes, I meant to write guy or girl, everyone is lovable in my eyes.) I feel strong and capable, and much too young to stop experiencing my life to share the little I’ve lived with another.

There is pride in the awareness that I am an independent woman. I pay my bills, fuck who I want, rely on no one for my decisions and have so little attachment to those around me that I find it easy to erase the people I don’t want in my life from it. I celebrate my independence and successes. I’ve done all that I have alone and will continue to do so for as long as it is possible.


By Amber Black

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What Is Heart Break?

Your body is a system which functions because of the heart which pumps oxygen rich blood through a complicated circulatory system. It connects to everything in the body, most importantly the brain, where YOU are stored. Blood cells, bacteria, germs of all types, and a seemingly infinite number of microscopic civilizations are fed by this circulatory system. They survive and interact with this system and share its supply of oxygen rich blood. Entire ecosystems rely on the work the heart puts forward.

Cut the heart out. Starvation, famine, rivers run dry, crime, murder. No life for miles. The stronger hurt the weaker for survival. The stronger become the weak, being the only survivors.

One blood cell hasn’t left home in a week crying because he got dumped and has no idea any of this has happened. HE is heartbreak!


By Seth McAllister

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