What Do You Worship?
/What happens,
When obsessed with the dreary passion,
You worship dead
To accumulate the dead?
Ambitious man!
You rush far and wide
Failing to recall your dearest bond
With your kinsfolk
To gain nothing but dead notes.
Then you endeavor to
Reconstruct self-demolished ties.
Can you capitalize life
Once capitalized, bartered for dead coins
Which have no soul?
A leaf, if can’t sustain the blows of air,
Gets detached from a tree.
But human being,
Detaching from your parents,
When you chase materialism,
What force forces you?
What blows blow you?
Do the lifeless objects you gather so blindly
Feed your soul the very tonic of gratification,
Once nourished you residing among acquaintances?
By Bimal Kishore Shrivastwa
From: Nepal
Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/bimal.srivastav1