Truth and Faith

Truth is not dependent

On belief

A truth is no less true

That it is accepted only by some

And rejected by others

It is true to all

Even those who will not see it

Faith, by contrast

Is the essence of belief

In the absence of discernible fact

Supporting it

And, while truth is inviolate

Faith may be misplaced

One may have faith in something

Demonstrably untrue

Truth has great strength

As does faith

Particularly when they align

When one places faith in truth

Either because that truth is manifest

Or because one chooses to believe it

Even lacking evidence of its truthfulness

Sadly, misplaced faith also can be very powerful

Ignorance and willful blindness

Leading down paths of destruction and defeat

Building constructs upon shifting sands

Instead of upon rock

Do not be afraid to question faith

For one must insure it is based upon truth

Even the truth unproven

Yet true nonetheless

And do not be afraid to question truth

In the sense of seeking its evidence

For through questioning

While one may find faith misguided

One will find truth substantiated


And revealed

By Mike Turner

From: United States


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