
Time steps faster than we think.

It waits for no man.

To the little girl who didn't have that dance with her dad on her wedding day. Time will heal your pains.

To the moms who laid their children to rest, I hope with time you find peace.

To the sister who found her sibling's corpse. I hope with time the trauma passes.

To the brother who wishes for more time with his brother. I hope with time your mind gets settled.

"But must it always be me?"

"Must I hope on time to heal these reoccurring pain?"

"Must there be room to doubt our maker?"

"Isn't it sad when you get hurt so much, you can finally say, I am used to it?"

It looks like I made a deal with the devil because the blessings come, but a part of me is taken in exchange.

Maybe I should scream and say that I do not wish for a better world for anyone,I want my pain to be inflicted on others.

But what's the benefit of that, if not me who else.

I think we are only haunted by the things we refuse to accept.

So I embrace the pain and enjoy it, I live in it, I let it hurt until it hurts no more.

Always remember that it takes time to heal.

And besides setbacks are beautiful at the end.

To the ones we lost, rest easy.

By Dijeh Denilson

From: Nigeria

Instagram: dijehgram