The Voyage To The Other Side

After being trapped while welcoming the new year, Poppa, Momma and Paulie decide to take a family river cruise to the other side


Months had passed since Poppa and Momma found themselves in a controlled situation when a wintry disturbance picked the holiday time to pay a visit. Today young Paulie waited outside the cabin he occupied on the cruise ship that sailed up the river enroute to the port occupied by the other side.

“Poppa,” a well-dressed son stated watching his parents join him, “why are we so angry with the other side?”

“Paulie as I told you before, we are no longer angry with the other side,” Poppa explained, “they have one part of the barn, and we have the other.”

Listening respectfully Paulie shook his head, “and the zebra watches over everything like a referee.”

“That is right Paulie,” Momma added.

Locking his small arms around the railing Paulie continued to monitor the scenery as the river highway provided the watery transportation path, “there is so much light all around,” Paulie noted towards his parents.

“Yes, this is a nice way to see our country,” Momma mentioned as a loud horn blasted the evening’s tranquil setting.

“I guess the show is getting ready to start,” Poppa told his crew, “Time we get inside and find a good seat.”

Hurrying back the trio found the ballroom that during the dining hours was transformed into a quaint entertainment venue. Not even stopping to read the sign “Shasa Rocket Performing” the three arrived at the first come first serve makeshift theater.

“I am impressed to see what they did in only a few hours,” Poppa sat down on the cozy couch.

“What do you really need to sing songs from your one album?” Momma asked and Poppa gave her a look, “She is from the other side, and they have to be on stage.”

“What is wrong with being on stage?” Paulie nudged in.

“Nothing,” Poppa commented as everything went dark.

Seemingly to enjoy themselves the hour and a half went very quickly as did a couple adult Vodka influenced drinks. Near the end Momma whispered into Poppa’s ears, “What do we do after its over?” Giving his glasses down peer Poppa replied, “stand up and applaud.”

When Sasha Rocket exclaimed, “you have been a wonderful audience,” the passengers all jumped up clapping their hands.

“Very good, Momma,” Poppa complemented.

After a beautiful sunrise and healthy breakfast, the family went ashore and were tourists on the other side. Momma shopped and Poppa took Paulie to some points that were interesting. When the day concluded everyone came together to declare their proper passport information.

“So, did you enjoy the day on the other side Momma?” Poppa inquired.

“Yes, I did,” Momma retorted, “I found a nice book I have to admit they do have nice books on the other side.”

“What’s it called?” Paulie interjected handing over identification to a stranger.

“Magnets On Blades,” Momma said, “reviewers on our side thought, ‘never dull very sharp writing, it will pull you in and not let you go’.”

When the door opened, the contingent reboarded the ship allowing Momma to continue, “you 

see Paulie, on our side we do not need to stand on stage to get attention instead we are artistically humble and creative.”

“All right, Momma,” Poppa pressed the elevator button, “it is time for dinner.”

“And I do not have to cook,” Momma laughed.

By Marc OBrien

From: United States


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