Grey Thoughts

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The Season Changed

The season changed

And the tree lost its fruits and leaves

So does the birds and animals who surrounded when it was green

Oh how mean are those when they had nothing but the hopes when they came across a tree

Oh the waters

Oh the ponds

Oh the sightseekers

Oh the branch hunters

Are you satisfied when you see the tree which once had life and you were the devotees, singing chants and hovering?

Now it has lost its adornments and you are going faraway

I wonder will you get what you are looking for

And I command not to come when the tree regains its charm full of new beginnings

Oh the dwellers, settle down

You once made promises, but you are forgetting as winter dewdrops are covering the skies

You are just creating problem for your self

Not realizing in the present but soon past will hunt like a dreadful nightmare.

By Moin Uddin

From: Nepal

Instagram: moin.writer

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