The Mystery Of The Blue...

The Mystery Of The Blue And Yellow Poppy Sunflower Field

A Mysterious Blue And Yellow Poppy Sunflower Field Magically Appears. Princess Lida and Paulie wonder why and how.


Winter’s festive holiday glowing postcard display turned angry within a couple weeks as blustery uncomfortable ice menaced anyone in its path creating slipping, sliding and freezing conditions, frustrating many. As the bitter cold started melting, welcoming spring approaching, a strange occurrence happened not far from Princess Lida’s castle and Aristocratic Paulie’s farm bordering two countries.

Due to a forecasted magical warming trend all the elements associated with the hibernal setting disappeared, ending the deadly attitude. Hearing meteorological predictions Princess Lida decided to take advantage of the tropical temperatures and fly her toy drone. Sitting outside on her balcony, she controlled the joy stick making the contraption patrol the grounds.

Suddenly, an unknown distraction made the royal turn her head, noticing a barren area which used to house weeds and brown dirt, now transformed into a beautiful blue and yellow poppy sunflower field.

“Wow, that looks beautiful,” Princess Lida mumbled, “so peaceful.”

Bringing the electronic device in for a landing, Princess Lida quickly gathered her belongings and ran across the way towards Paulie’s cottage mansion.

Before the future decision-making majesty could even knock, Momma opened the screen door, “Princess Lida, what is wrong?”

“Where is Prince Paulie? We need to check something out, the property over there is filled with blue and yellow poppy sunflowers,” Princess Lida informed.

“How did that happen?”

“I have no clue, It’s a mystery,” Princess Lida replied.

Respectfully pushing through, Paulie bypassed Momma, “did you see what was under the snow blankets?”

“Yeah, blue and yellow poppy sunflowers,” Paulie excitingly responded.

Telling Momma, they will be back, the two sprinted off and found themselves moments later in a sea lawn filled with blue and yellow poppy sunflowers.

“Incredible,” Paulie expressed, “this is a true unexplainable mystery on how all this happened.”

Abruptly, a gigantic shadow towered over them and when the pair turned around Giant Farmer Bob stood there, hands on his hips, “are you done playing with those miniature Jets? Princess Lida,”

Finding a gulp, Princess Lida innocently shook her head affirmatively, “there is no mystery on how this blue and yellow poppy sunflower patch grew,”

“Then how did it develop?” Paulie questioned.

“I did it,” Farmer Bob explained, “while you were enjoying your summer days, I planted seeds, and the maturing floral arrangement drank the frozen water.”

“Wow,” the pair exclaimed.

“Princess Lida and Aristocrat Paulie,” Farmer Bob continued.

“Prince Paulie,” Princess Lida put her foot down.

“Kids, always, there is a peaceful way to handle something when you see these blue and yellow poppy sunflowers,” Farmer Bob told the children, “take a few minutes to carry on a positive conversation with important dialogue, that is how you solve a problem.”

When Princess Lida returned home, she stared at the drone, placing it back in the box, “I only will take you out when I want to send a message, you are just a toy, and meant for fun.”

By Marc OBrien

From: United States

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