The Lucky...

The Lucky Leprechaun Smile

During a rainy day visit to the library, Paulie is visited in his dreams by a leprechaun.


For another frustrating time clapping thunder applauded and the heavenly electricity flashed supplying the drenched village community, a spotlighted stage.

Peering outside the library, Paulie witnessed God’s tears before returning to a magical tale featuring a colorful arc, “this fable says the rainbow is a lucky image.”

“Despite it really being a frown,” Paulie continued.

As the young boy read past the synopsis, he learned about the leprechaun legend before an overpowering sedative sensation changed chapter one into a nice pillow. Minutes following the sleep command, a dream-like creature appeared sporting an uplifting attitude.

“Are you a leprechaun?” Paulie questioned.

“Why, yes,” the mysterious miniature mythical character replied, “I slid down the colorful arc and ended up here.”

Very confused, Paulie proceeded with the inquiry, “why does the beautiful rainbow appear when everything is depressed and sad?” Tipping his cap the leprechaun explained, “rain is not unhappy, sometimes it can create a wonderful setting, presenting such a romantic spirit.”

“If you are inside, warm, under the covers,” Paulie added.

“Yes, of course,” the leprechaun agreed, “another thing I came over to tell you is luck is based on attitude and if it is positive then,”

“My smile will not be a frown,”

“That is right, you have a wonderful outlook, and luck will always be with you,” the Leprechaun advised watching the sun peek out.

Suddenly, the spell wore off and Paulie felt a glaring wakeup call, realizing nothing had changed around the study area. Rubbing his eyes, Paulie approached the reference desk, “don’t you love these dark and rainy days, Paulie,” she quipped, “get a good book and escape with an adventure using your imagination.”

“Hate to tell you Mrs. Robinson, but the skies all cleared outside.”


“It only takes a smile to brighten the day,” Paulie joyfully laughed, heading towards the fresh air knowing how important his upbeat personality was needed during the inclement weather.

By  Marc OBrien

From: United States


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