The Haunting of Nightmare

Sleep was miles away from Charlie's eyes. Sometimes, he covers himself with the blanket, and the other time he took it off. Everything was comfortable here, the room was nice, big, and cozy.

There was a small window beside his bed which he left slightly open to let the cool air in and relieve himself from the discomfort of the hot weather. All seemed good, but still, Charlie didn't know what was the reason behind his restlessness. Something was missing in his life and what was that he couldn't figure it out.

He sat up straight, turned on the light. His hands and eyes rested on the silver picture frame. Charlie picked up the photograph and looked at the man, woman, and two little children who were gleaming with joy. It was a happy family. That picture gave Charlie mixed feelings. A big lump formed inside Charlie's throat and he felt his heart aching, making him want to cry and smile at the same time.

He put the frame aside, climbed down from his bed, and went towards the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and picked up a water bottle. He drank quickly and after a minute, he felt a little cooler. Instant relief washed over him.

But that relief was momentary. The silence in the apartment was killing him down. Even though he was free, he still feels like he was chained up and forced to act calm and patient. He didn't want to do that.

Without thinking further, Charlie went towards the front door, mindlessly opened it, and stepped outside. Soon, he took the elevator and pressed the button for the first floor. After a few moments, he was out of his apartment into the street. It was late at night. During his journey of coming down, he didn't get to meet a single living being. It was so quiet and it was the same outside.

Charlie was still in his pajamas and now dragging himself in the middle of the street. He turned around the corner that led to the small park. The gates of the park were still open allowing Charlie to enter without climbing over the fence. Once inside, he went straight for the swings. For a second, Charlie looked around. When he was satisfied that no one else was around, he sat down on the swings and started swinging slowly.

He took a deep breath and glanced at numerous bright stars. The cool air was blowing around him that was making things flutter too and fro. He rested his head on the swing's chains. Charlie then imagined that the park is bustling with people enjoying a nice day. He imagined that he is surrounded with happiness.

With the cold air that was caressing his body, his eyelids felt heavy. Charlie closed his eyes. At that moment, he saw his brother and parents standing in front of him.

The scene in front of him was vague. Except for his family, everything else was dark. Charlie tried to move close towards them and the distance between them increased. He again tried to move closer towards them and it seemed like the three of them were blending in with the dark. Charlie tried it a couple of times and every time the distance between them increased dramatically and they blended more with the dark. Soon, they faded out and suddenly, Charlie took a sharp, deep breath. He opened his eyes and looked around. An old man was shaking him furiously.

Charlie rubbed his temple. "I'm awake. You can stop now." He said slowly.

The old man released him. He peered at Charlie carefully, "You are shaking so bad. Are you having a bad dream?"

Charlie nodded, "Nightmare, happens all the time."

"You might have been watching horror movies at night.” he shrugged. “Youngsters, nowadays. Ghost could scare you to death if it comes in your dream." The old man laughed loudly.

"You're right." Charlie stopped for a moment. He settled his gaze on one of the rose bushes, "Movies can be avoided but how will you get away when it's a memory that haunts you every day."

By Soare Stapanire

From India


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