The Hair Fairy

The Hair Fairy is the story I needed when I was Abigail's age. I dedicate it to all the curly haired people out there who know the struggle!


Abigail would brush her hair for hours and hours, and STILL, the tangles remained. She stared at her reflection in the mirror and cried.

“Why must I be afflicted with such pesky curls?” she wondered aloud.

All the other girls have long, glossy strands. They can wear their hair in ponytails and pigtails, or braids with bangs. Why can’t I?

As Abigail wallowed in self-pity, a little fairy appeared.

“My, my dear girl. Whatever is the matter?” asked the fairy.

“My’s a mess. It won’t untangle, no matter what I do!”

“Today is your lucky day, then, my sweet. I grant your curls to instantly become long, glossy strands. This is your wish, yes?”

“You mean I can be like the other girls? And run my fingers gently and easily through straight hair?”

“That’s right, Abigail. Your hair will be as silky smooth straight as the mane on your horse.”

“Oh, thank you, Hair Fairy!”

And so, with a snap of her fingers, a dash of magic and a pinch of everlasting dust, Abigail’s curls DID turn into the silky smooth glossy strands the Hair Fairy had promised.

Abigail strutted down the street with a new air of swag.

She sauntered into her first class of the day, waiting for faces to turn and gasps to utter from stunned mouths. Alas, everyone went about their business, hardly paying any attention to Abigail.

“Abigail! Abigail Stewart! Where is that girl?” cried Ms. Forrest, taking attendance.

“Here - I’m right here!” shouted Abigail.

“Oh. I didn’t recognize you, Abigail. Barely even saw you there.”

“Hey, what happened to your hair?” some of the boys inquired.

“Uhh, I straightened it.”

“It looks weird.”

Abigail wanted to crawl under her desk and stay there till the end of the school day.

She went about her day in a state of shock. Does no one notice? Do I matter? She asked herself. Sure, it’s a breeze to comb straight through my hair, now. But no one even knows I exist.

As Abigail found a seat on the school bus ride home, Clarissa said loudly, “Does anyone know where Abigail is? I wanted to sit next to her.”

“I’m RIGHT HERE!” shouted Abigail.

“ look so different. Where are your curls?” asked Clarissa.

“I straightened them out. Now I can run my fingers through my hair gently and easily. See?” Abigail demonstrated proudly.

“That’s nice, but I was hoping you’d let me play with your hair today. It’s so twisty and springy - nothing like my dull hair.”

Suddenly, Abigail longed for her curls, and regretted making a deal with the Hair Fairy.

“It’s hair is such a PAIN. I comb. I brush. I condition. And I STILL can’t get the tangles out,” Abigail practically sobbed.

“Aw, Abigail, it’s okay. I wish you’d told me sooner. My cousin has really curly hair, too. She uses a special conditioner to make it softer. I bet she could let you borrow it.”

“That would be wonderful! Except, well, um, ur…”

“What is it?” asked Clarissa.

“I made a deal with the Hair Fairy. She granted me straight hair for the rest of my life. No more curls, no more hassle was the promise. It’s just -- it hasn’t even been 24 hours and I already miss my curls! Sure, they can be a pain. But they are what make me ME.”

“I think so, too,” Clarissa agreed.

Out of thin air, the Hair Fairy appeared.

“My dear, is everything all right?” she asked Abigail.

“No!” cried Abigail. “I’ve made a terrible mistake. You see, I just can’t go a day without my curls‒let alone, my whole life! Is there any way you can turn my hair back?” pleaded Abigail.

“There’s only one condition.”

“Yes, anything!”

“Promise to read this hair care manual that the other fairies and I wrote.”

“I promise!” said Abigail.

And just like that, with a snap of her fingers and a dash of magic and a pinch of everlasting dust, Abigail's wild, beautiful curls came bouncing back.

“Oh, thank you, Hair Fairy!”

But the Hair Fairy had already disappeared‒on to the next curly haired girl in need.

The End

By Ruth Wilson

From: United States


Instagram: flutterbyforever