Grey Thoughts

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The Captain And...

The Captain And The Princess

Princess Lida is selected to perform at the village school annual talent show and Captain Prince Paulie assumes duties behind the piano


A few weeks ago, Princess Lida received notice, she was selected to participate in the annual talent show down at the Village School. Being televised throughout the land, this accomplishment was a tremendous achievement.

Knowing rehearsal time was needed, she called upon her Prince Paulie to come over to the castle, preside behind the piano and look monarchy. Not having any real reason to reject the obligation commitment Paulie found himself occupying a small bench next to his trusted friend, Becky Sue.

“Such an honor to be invited to Princess Lida’s castle,” Becky Sue satirically remarked.

“The castle, Poppa built,” Paulie clarified.

“Do you know how to use this thing?” Becky Sue inquired pressing the keys creating a sound.

“No,” Paulie replied spotting Princess Lida descending the staircase leaving her ivory tower behind.

“Prince Paulie,” Princess Lida paused, “Becky Sue, it is good to see you.”

“What do you want me to do?” Paulie requested.

“Just sit there and wear this,” Princess Lida directed.

“It’s a Captain’s hat,” Becky Sue acknowledged watching Princess Lida reach for a candy container.

“Here you want some?” Princess Lida offered, “they’re butterscotch.” As the pair accepted the treat Princess Lida maneuvered her way onto the miniature seating area. Opening the instrument’s secret compartments, discovering the musical magic switch, Princess Lida found the settings and programmed the right coordinates.

“Now what?” Paulie asked.

“When I give you the signal, press the red button,”

“What about these white and black ones?” Paulie curiously inquired.

“Don’t argue your highness, the red button,” Princess glared, grabbing the microphone.

“What tune will you be singing?” Becky Sue took another sweet.

“Butterscotch Castle,” Princess Lida handed Prince Paulie sheet music.

“What do you want me to do with this?”

“Just read it,” she explained before stating, “press the red button”

With the song prepared Princess Lida performed, mouthing the words, impressing her friends.

Later that month Becky Sue stood backstage, folded arms, “I remember I named that tune in four notes, once,”

Turning around, “Oh Miss Dragon, I told her to shop around but.”

“She didn’t listen,” Miss Dragon answered.


“What about the Captain?”

“Well,” Becky Sue responded, “he got himself into this royal engagement, so I will just let them both go down with the ship.”

“That’s the gypsy spirit,” Miss Dragon smiled patting her student on the back, “I am delighted you learned something in my class.”

By Marc OBrien

From: United States

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