Life, Love and Gay Inhibitions In The Noughties

This is a piece I wrote about growing up gay in the…


…suppose I'm an old romantic at heart. Even though I should know better, I still adhere to the old school notion of 'true love'. I tried deeply to dismiss it - telling myself it was all too complicated and that I couldn't possibly put my body through the angst of uncertainty that comes…

By Ashley Mangtani

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A rant on the CCP

This is a satirical piece intended to educate and inform the reader about the nuances…


…want to let you in on a little secret. The world wasn’t always like this. This past year, we have had nothing better to do other than sit at home like fat uninspired couch potatoes. Watching on in awe as the freedoms we once fought so hard for are stripped away in the blink of an eye. A wet slap in the face to anyone who is…

By Ashley Mangtani

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