Resilient Hope

Written after Hurricane Maria devastated my home island.


‘Twas a very cloudy evening,

Showers of rain

Drenched the earth

Washing vegetation and homes away.

Turbulent winds

Struct homes and trees

Leaving a path

Of vast devastation.

The trees and forest all looked burnt

Like a war raged through.

The earth was littered

With debris all the way through.

After a day or two,

But almost two months later,

The greenery is beautiful,

And almost fully recovered,

Defenseless and deform

The island will be reform.

Better plans for rebuilding

Hopefully rehabilitating.

We’ll be down for some time

But not all the time,

Cause resilient is the people

Stronger than ever.

Two years later, and we've rebuilt

Only to be given another tilt.

This pandemic will shake us to the core

But resilient is this nation to hold on firm.

Precautions took, warnings heed,

Enduring this tough time as years past by.

Now in present, with confidence,

This nation is indeed daring, with hope defense.

By Serlina Rose

From: Dominica

Instagram: SerlinaRose1767

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