Grey Thoughts

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Repairing Hearts

Maybe Lilian should

have listened

When her mother

warned her about me

And what love meant

on the other side

of a wide-eyed selfie.

Pictures lie worse

than an eyewitness

on the stand

with a sweetheart

deal for time served.

Lilian gave me her

mother’s opinion,

knowing she didn’t


But she said it

like a used car dealer

telling you

the sale was as is.

Don’t bring it back

with a broken heart,

thinking I was unclear

It came across as a gamble

to take it or leave it all behind

But if the check engine light

wasn’t flashing orange,

they’d take a shot

at repairs for a flat rate.

Lilian thrashed her arms

on the side of the road,

kicking the tire

as steam hissed through

the hood.

I motioned for calm,

and did what guys didn’t do,

I read the manual.

It took me time, and oil stains

to fix, but like us, I fixed it.

By Andy Cooper

From: United States

Twitter: AC0040