Passion To Come...

Passion To Come Out Looking Good In Life

Due to the fear of being invaded emotional and passionate feelings are unleashed leaving Paulie to seek an adventure in the woods resulting in an understanding about the importance in life


Tensions were mounting inside the cottage house sitting on the Borderline Farm property which acted as the residency to a family who generations long ago took charge. Despite the warm summer temperature outside Paulie wanted to escape the heat and decided to head out looking for adventure in the woods.

For some reason, the other side wanted to invade the country creating a major debatable issue sparking loud discussions between Momma and Poppa. “What do they want the whole barn?” Poppa aggressively inquired as the youngster snuck out the kitchen door abandoning the fresh bread and its peaceful aroma.

Finding the hiking path that lured tourists into reflecting about geographical realities Paulie picked up a stick and started a journey into the unknown. Keeping his ears wide open the soon to be teenager heard many natural sounds including deer rustling in the leaves and the wind conjuring up soothing audio effects as it flowed through the trees.

Knowing exactly where he was Paulie casually looked back and did not see his home. Shrugging his shoulders, he mumbled to himself, “so nice to have a good distance from all the ‘loud discussions’.” Seeing the other side’s flag carved into a tree Paulie pondered for a second whether to head back but the thought was interrupted when a gentlemen dressed in a tight green uniform with a theatrical prop rifle strapped to his back appeared out of nowhere followed by a female voice exclaiming, “Time Les,”

“It is nowhere near sundown, it’s summer,” Paulie shouted surprising the young girl wearing a camouflage jacket short ensemble.

“Three minutes thirteen seconds you can do better Les,” she read the timer giving a strange stare to Paulie, “who are you?”

“I am Paulie and I live over there,” Paulie honestly answered pointing down the path, “who are you?”

“This young one is a future biathlon star ‘Lesin Skate’,” she stated, “and I am Gabrielle.”

“What is a biathlon?” An innocent comment was inquired from the future adult.

“It is a competition featuring rifle shooting and skiing,” Les caught his breath, “I wanted to fight on the ice but kept slipping.”

“Thank goodness the government exchanged the sharp blades for a nice rifle and cross-country skis bundle,” Gabrielle added, “and he definitely looks good in that uniform outfit.”

While Paulie tried to understand the mature information Les continued the explaining, “isn’t that half the battle in life,” he paused, “looking good.”

“About the battle in life have you two heard any more about the other side invading?” Paulie’s eyes showed an innocent curious side.

“They're not going to invade us,” Gabrielle quickly blasted like she was having a loud discussion, “and you know why, they do not know how to ski, and shoot we on the other hand know how to ski and shoot.”

“And look good in the outfit while skiing and shooting,” Les threw in two more cents.

“You both seem really passion about this biathlon recreational activity,” Paulie showed off his seventh-grade vocabulary training.

“You know why young one.” Gabrielle smiled, “you should not live in fear of being invaded, you should only be concerned in beating the other side in healthy games, that is why we are so passionate about skiing and shooting not to kill anyone only to have more points.”

An hour later Paulie hopped up the steps that led to the kitchen where silence set the tone, “Momma” he hollered seeing his mother concentrating on chess figures, “where’s Poppa?” Paulie requested.

“I sent him to bed without supper,”

“Did you lose to him in an argument?”

“No, I lost to him in a Chess match,” Momma glared toward the black and white board still trying to figure out how Poppa’s pawn got so close to the King.

“Did he look good while beating you at Chess?” Paulie proposed a reason for defeat while chewing on the bread that was cooling from the oven.

By Marc OBrien

From: United States


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