
Myopia is to inspire someone (researcher) to keep on with the research and not to give up just yet.


Refractive errors blurring vision,

Excessive straining that cause wrinkles.

In class, sitted towards the end of the room, listening to my lecturer, perfect sound.

Now as he writes on the board, bleary sight.

So I reached for my spectacle- Corrective measure!

Thanks to my smart glasses, as they help light focus on my retinal rod and cone photoreceptors.

Thanks glasses, as you aid the refractive image formed by my cornea and lens fall on the photoreceptors of my retinal.

Biggest thanks to the Brilliant Scientists who solved my problem through their successful research! Thanks for not giving up even after your many failures and sacrifices. Thanks for being a Problem solver!

JUST IN: One day, someone will thank you for not giving up, so keep on with that Research. 

You’re on your way to being a Problem Solver, dear Researcher!

You’re halfway there.

Don’t give up just Yet!

By Tifeola

From: Nigeria

Twitter: Tifeola6