
No More


Every thief hiding in plain sight, every victim thwarted to breathe, with decades illegal to cover a face, unless required for suppression, so a “One Eyed Monster” doesn’t rise, causing a woman to be vain.

An illusion that we aren’t slaves, used for experiments and food, by the demons and their minions, since the beginning of time, partaking in unthinkable acts, collecting pleasure from our pain...

Massive amounts of humans held in servitude along the way and it would appear that sadomasochism is just the common way, as the prey are liberally muffled with leather and tightly fastened in chain.

Human trafficking has never gone astray, just hidden in caverns around the world, tunneled underground and “Let Me Count The Ways,” that children are divided, for the most profit to drain.

By Tracey Ross

From: Canada

Instagram: traceydoesrhymetime 

Parler/Gab/Fuzia: traceydoesrhymetime