Lost It

I’m losing my memories. I’m losing my mind. The fright of something new forgotten brings me to tears each time. It began with forgetting to take objects from one place to another. Some things like to forget my phone charger at work. Forgetting to bring a book to work. Then from objects, I started to forget tasks. I forget if I locked the door. I forget if the car’s alarm was turned on. My body is on autopilot for most of the day. When my mind is back, all it can do is panic. Today was the worst of it so far. I forgot how to count sort of. Instead of counting from nine to fifteen, I would count from nine to three. I didn’t understand how at first. Just kept trying a few times. I was scared. It was an odd mistake, but I was counting as though I was counting the time. At twelve, I would go back to one. 

By Matilda Beck

From: United Kingdom