Lost In Time, Echoes...
/Lost In Time, Echoes In Silence
She forgot to gargle her smile.
Looking through the window,
The canvas was so quiet; the wind
Has forgotten its path. The autumn
Leaves paled, lifeless, promenaded
As the foliage painted forays to be
Inimitable, hurtling the bounteous.
The night still sniveling for the lost
Smile, her gelasin nipped by life.
In solitude, she stayed for years
With no purpose to live. Neighbours
Moved to the town; she grasps the
Sunset from downtown, looking
Into the firmament, eye locked on
The Stars. Losing her parents in
The accident, her tears have dried,
Cut off from the world. She laughed
Once; now she remains tacit, fragile,
Recollecting the reminiscences.
The empty fields are vast, and the houses
Are sans life, with none to say a word,
Silence misted in the weather, fading
Without words, still smiling. A dilapidated
Edifice yearns to be cared for, dust sweeping
The boundaries. The last sojourn greeted
Her with a sonorous song; she dated her
Smile one last time with her tears.
By Orbindu Ganga
From: India
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